Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Welcome Baby Jack :o)

 Our new baby:
John Patrick Denson (Jack)
born on March 12, 2012 at 10:03 am
7 lbs, 13 oz, 19 1/2 inches
Healthy and already at home! 

 Daddy takes a well-deserved nap with baby at the hospital - we were up since 1 a.m.! 

 Jack napping content in Daddy's arms
Mommy and baby right after birth

 Afternoon - and everybody arrives to visit - Big sister Grace takes a turn
 Uniforms for the day - with love from Grandma! 
 Joseph is surprisingly tender with the new baby!
 Kath wants a turn to be a big sister too! 
 Grandpa Fred "Smokey" French takes a turn - you should see him smile! 
 Sleeping in the morning at the hospital - soon going home!