Saturday, December 25, 2010

Classic Christmas Video Featuring the VP

I found this on a libertarian-leaning web magazine.  Enjoy.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve - Kansas

0615 hours --
All children are awake! Excitement is building!
Mom has made Monkey Bread and it is bubbling in the oven.
Dad has shown the kids the NORAD Santa Tracker and they are checking it every 15 minutes to "keep an eye on Santa"

Merry Christmas!

1200 hours -- On our way to town to get hair cuts for Grace and Joseph, then lunch, kids choir rehearsal and mass.

1800 hours -- Back home from mass - went very well. Grace is looking so grown up. John and I were figuring that for Grace she is already 1/2 way to college (9 years out of 18), Joseph is 1/3 way to college (6 years out of 18), and our Katharine is 1/6 way to college (3 years out of 18). Are we just geeky?

-- Homemade pizza - hawaiian for dinner - 4 yummies and 1 "Yuck" from Katharine. Thank goodness she loves PB&J! Got into Jesus's birthday cake, Tollhouse Chocolate Chip pie actually. Got 5 BIG YUMMIES for that. Settling in to watch a John Wayne movie, "Stagecoach".

2133 hours -- Kids are all in bed, after one last check of the NORAD Santa tracker! He's in Newfoundland. Joseph HURRIES to bed, dives in, and then asks me to go check again :o) John is dozing on the couch in the blinking glow of the Christmas tree while waiting for Santa. It makes me so happy to see him there :o)))) Oops, just remembered that I gotta put out the cookies and carrots ASAP!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Water, Water

Poem for Composition 4th grade
"Water, Water"
by Grace Denson

Water, water,
running through a brook.

Water, water,
flowing through rivers, lakes, oceans, and seas.

Water, water,
so cool, refreshing too.

Water, water
you are aqua and blue.

Water, water
you sparkle in the sunlight.

Water, water
you look as if you were bathed in gems.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A New Hero

John and the kids were looking for a new movie on Netflix last night.

They stumbled onto John Wayne "The Train Robbers".

Joseph is enthralled - good guys, bad guys, explosions, fights! "John Wayne movies are my favorite!" Joseph said. I have the feeling that westerns just became a big part of our household...