Thursday, January 22, 2009

Jury Duty - over at last

For the past four months, I have been summoned to jury duty in Junction City, KS, only to have it be canceled and rescheduled. They would not even consider the fact that we homeschool and that I am the sole caretaker of three active children. So anyway, the last time in early December John was out in the field for training, so I couldn't go to jury duty with three active kids in tow! I sent them a letter, but they refused it because it wasn't notarized! And of course, it wasn't canceled, so I was now a lawbreaker! I've had nightmares about orange prison jumpsuits for months!

Well, the JC court rescheduled me for today. And then the Manhattan court (about 15 miles from Fort Riley) also summoned me for next Tuesday! And when I called them, they said because I live on post it is technically part of both counties and I have to respond to both summons! Aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhhhh!!!!!! Fortunately, the Manhattan court was much more gracious and they said since I had been scheduled for two services in the same week they would call me back at a later date. And I finally got my service out of the way for Junction City today. I was not seated into the jury and was sent home at 10:30 a.m. Apparently JC is so rinky-dink (compared to Orange County) that they only have one trial going on. But the best part is that I can't be called back there for at least one year. It's finally over and I am not going to be arrested :o)

Sunday, January 18, 2009


It's back to school, time to play with toys from Christmas, and keep warm until spring comes!

We're going to the Ball!

On Thursday night we attended the Distinguished Members of the Regiment (DMOR) Banquet, otherwise known as the Regimental Ball! Here are the pictures from before we left. I made the ballgown myself! Yes, really! And John is always handsome in his Class A's (or pickle suit as we call it). It was very nice and we really enjoyed the talk from the DMORs.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

30 Day Gun Nation

I just watched this great video on A liberal anti-gun activist from Boston relocated to a redneck, gun-loving family in Ohio and gets a job in a gun store for 30 days. In the end, she softens her anti-gun stand once she experiences reality.

Click here to see a full-screen version of the video from

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Vacation wrap up

What did we do on vacation:
- Grace sang in a children's choir for Christmas Even mass
- We read "The Mouse and the Motorcycle" by Beverly Cleary (very cute!)
- two virtual fieldtrips! The dinosaur sites were so cool for Joseph to see!
- watched lots of movies (Love the new Scooby Doo!)
- library trips - lots of books were read!
- Grace learned all about Webkinz and has been playing online every day. She now has two fully decorated online rooms and a garden for her two pets and has learned about 25 new games and answered lots of trivia questions.
- Joseph and Grace have been learning all about gun safety and playing a gun game (play gun and plastic targets) in our upstairs hallway.
- baked lots of bread and cookies
- went shopping in Kansas City
- played outdoors and in with new toys
- John fixed the statue of St. Francis and started making the drawers for the sideboard.
- Several musical shows and plays were performed in our living room.
And we had such a great time.

Next week is the formal military ball -- look for pictures coming soon!