Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Robert the tooth fairy strikes again!

Yes, we've had another visit from Robert the tooth fairy.

Joseph had two molars that were loose - the roots were cut off by the next molar coming in too close. So it was either wiggle them out or have the dentist pull them out. Joseph got the first one out on Saturday, but he lost it. The second one came out tonight (right in the middle of my FRG meeting, LOL!). My goodness that tooth was huge for such a small boy! I guess I must be feeding him right :o)

Our tooth fairies (Annabelle for Grace and Robert for Joseph) always leave a note in their tooth fairy pillows.

Here is Robert's note to Joseph -- this tooth fairy is quite a poet!

Dear Joseph,

You went to the dentist

how brave you had to be.

Then you wiggled and wiggled,

until you got those teeth free.

Now you’ve lost teeth

one, two, and three!

So here’s two dollars

for your two big back teeth

all from little me!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

October is coming in like a polar bear!

Our high for today was 42 (that's the high!) and our low tonight is 29 F. (Avg temps for today according to the weather channel should be about 72/45). Thank goodness we're not going to get any snow or ice though.

So, it's pretty cold, and I've got a full-blown cold too. Yuck! And double Yuck!!

It's miserable weather - unless you're a polar bear!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


The weather in Kansas has turned chilly. One morning last week was a low of 38 degrees F.

Get out the extra blankies and feetsie jammies!!

Doesn't Grace look so school-aged with her hair up in a ponytail?
Isn't Katharine cute??? Look at those blue eyes and that smile!
Yes, we've got good warm cocoa, we're reading "The Mouse and The Motorcycle" aloud every night before bed.

80 days until Christmas!!!!!! I have started listening to Christmas music during the day!
But I do NOT want it to snow, ok? No SNOW!!!!