Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Joseph's poems!

Red Cardinal
By Joseph Denson
A pretty bird flies by,
It catches my eye.
It’s red, like fire,
It nibbles some seeds.
Sitting in my tree.
It’s looking at me.

It chirps and cheeps,
It hops and leaps.
I see its soft feathers,
Lovely and smooth
Suddenly, it flies away.
On a sunny fall day.

My Baby Brother
By Joseph Denson

My baby brother is like a lion cub!
He roars and he pounces!
He crawls and he bounces!
He pinches and hits!
He drools and spits!
But then he smiles and plays,
in the funniest of ways.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Joseph's Composition - Research Report

Sea Otters

Name: Joseph Denson

Date: November 7, 2012

Class: Composition

          We are off the coast of California to watch for sea otters. We are coming up to a kelp bed, where sea otters make their homes.

          Sea otters are adapted to living in water by having waterproof fur. They also have webbed feet for swimming, and they keep their ears and eyes shut to keep out water. Otters have whiskers to feel surroundings and prey.  Sea otters do not hibernate even in cold climates like Alaska.

          Most of a sea otter’s food comes from the ocean floor. Sometimes sea otters eat sea urchins. They have the ability to do this because their mouths have tough skin. Sea otters also hunt fish. Sea otters play more than any other mammal. This playing trains them for hunting when they are older.

          A young sea otter is called an otter cub. An otter cub’s fur is not waterproof. They stay on their mother’s stomach so they don’t sink.  Young sea otters feed off their mother’s milk. When another unknown sea otter approaches, the baby gets behind her mother until the other sea otter leaves.  Sea otter cubs stay with their mother for six months.  Even after a sea otter leaves its mother, it stays nearby.

          Sea otters are dying due to fishing and getting tangled in fishing nets. Sea otters have several natural predators such as the Orca whale and Great White sharks.  Pollution also plays a role in killing sea otters. Man has been hunting the sea otter as well. The sea otter is now a protected species that is not supposed to be hunted for its fur.  We know that we need to stop water pollution.  The sea otter still is faced with many challenges to survive.

          It has been a long day off the California coast.  We are returning to shore and going home.  We sure did learn a lot about sea otters and are learning ways to protect them. 


Alvin, Virginia, and Robert Silverstein. The Sea Otter. Brookfield, CT: Millbrook, 1995. Print.

Brownell, M. Barbara. Amazing Otters. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1989. Print.

Whitlock, Ralph. Otters. Sussex, Eng.: Priory, 1974. Print.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Joseph's Composition - Personal Experience

My Favorite Cartoon - by Joseph Denson

     You see something in the sky. Is it a cloud? No, it’s a G.I. Joe sky striker. Let’s see where it goes. It leads us straight to G.I. Joe headquarters what is G.I. Joe? It is a military organization that has mission its mission is to protect America from terrorist ruling by fear.

     G.I. Joe has two guys that I want to talk about, Flint and roadblock. Flint is second in command of G.I. Joe. He has good ideas and is loyal and honest. I like Flint because he is always leading missions.  One time he led a full scale attack when Duke was imprisioned by Cobra.  Roadblock is a gourmet chef, and he makes powerful punches to fights Cobra.  Roadblock makes pretty fun expressions, and one time he said "Cats can climb, but they can't fly."  He is funny.

     And now we must away to Cobra Mountain where Cobra Commander is waiting for us. Cobra Commander is the head of Cobra and he always mad and making plans to take out G.I. Joe.  Cobra Commander takes us to the weapons bay. There is Destro, the weapon engineer, building a weapon for Cobra’s next mission. Destro has built several inventions, like the weather dominator.  Cobra Commander used the weather dominator to try to take over Washington DC.  Cobra wants to gain power and plans to rule the world.

     My dad got me into watching G.I. Joe cartoons on Netflix. I like G.I. Joe because it has battles and excitements.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Welcome Baby Jack :o)

 Our new baby:
John Patrick Denson (Jack)
born on March 12, 2012 at 10:03 am
7 lbs, 13 oz, 19 1/2 inches
Healthy and already at home! 

 Daddy takes a well-deserved nap with baby at the hospital - we were up since 1 a.m.! 

 Jack napping content in Daddy's arms
Mommy and baby right after birth

 Afternoon - and everybody arrives to visit - Big sister Grace takes a turn
 Uniforms for the day - with love from Grandma! 
 Joseph is surprisingly tender with the new baby!
 Kath wants a turn to be a big sister too! 
 Grandpa Fred "Smokey" French takes a turn - you should see him smile! 
 Sleeping in the morning at the hospital - soon going home! 

Monday, January 2, 2012

News Article by Grace Denson

To prepare for testing in the spring, Grace was given a 40-minute writing prompt:
On a separate piece of paper, write a news article about an event in your family, school, or community.  If possible, interview people who were involved in the event and use their quotes in your article.  Include a headline for your article and use a column format that newspapers use.  Make sure your article includes information about who, what, when, where, and why.

New Baby Due in
Denson Household

The Denson family is expecting a new
addition to the family.  Cynthia Denson is
30 weeks pregnant with a baby boy.  The
name John Patrick Denson has been selected,
but since the father's name is John, his
nickname is Jack.  This will be the fourth
child in the Denson family.  Some time has
been taken to interview the two youngest
children in the family; Joseph and Katharine.
Joseph says that he's "happy to have a play
buddy that's my gender.  I'm a little worried
that he'll throw up all over me."  Katharine
says that she's excited "that I get to hold
and help feed the baby.  I also am excited
to have a birthday buddy."

The children are very excited about having
a new sibling to play with.  The baby is due
to be delivered on the 11th of March, 2012.
The grandparents, Cheryl and Fred Denson,
are glad and proud to have a new grandson.

--- by Grace Elizabeth Denson