Monday, January 2, 2012

News Article by Grace Denson

To prepare for testing in the spring, Grace was given a 40-minute writing prompt:
On a separate piece of paper, write a news article about an event in your family, school, or community.  If possible, interview people who were involved in the event and use their quotes in your article.  Include a headline for your article and use a column format that newspapers use.  Make sure your article includes information about who, what, when, where, and why.

New Baby Due in
Denson Household

The Denson family is expecting a new
addition to the family.  Cynthia Denson is
30 weeks pregnant with a baby boy.  The
name John Patrick Denson has been selected,
but since the father's name is John, his
nickname is Jack.  This will be the fourth
child in the Denson family.  Some time has
been taken to interview the two youngest
children in the family; Joseph and Katharine.
Joseph says that he's "happy to have a play
buddy that's my gender.  I'm a little worried
that he'll throw up all over me."  Katharine
says that she's excited "that I get to hold
and help feed the baby.  I also am excited
to have a birthday buddy."

The children are very excited about having
a new sibling to play with.  The baby is due
to be delivered on the 11th of March, 2012.
The grandparents, Cheryl and Fred Denson,
are glad and proud to have a new grandson.

--- by Grace Elizabeth Denson