Saturday, December 25, 2010

Classic Christmas Video Featuring the VP

I found this on a libertarian-leaning web magazine.  Enjoy.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve - Kansas

0615 hours --
All children are awake! Excitement is building!
Mom has made Monkey Bread and it is bubbling in the oven.
Dad has shown the kids the NORAD Santa Tracker and they are checking it every 15 minutes to "keep an eye on Santa"

Merry Christmas!

1200 hours -- On our way to town to get hair cuts for Grace and Joseph, then lunch, kids choir rehearsal and mass.

1800 hours -- Back home from mass - went very well. Grace is looking so grown up. John and I were figuring that for Grace she is already 1/2 way to college (9 years out of 18), Joseph is 1/3 way to college (6 years out of 18), and our Katharine is 1/6 way to college (3 years out of 18). Are we just geeky?

-- Homemade pizza - hawaiian for dinner - 4 yummies and 1 "Yuck" from Katharine. Thank goodness she loves PB&J! Got into Jesus's birthday cake, Tollhouse Chocolate Chip pie actually. Got 5 BIG YUMMIES for that. Settling in to watch a John Wayne movie, "Stagecoach".

2133 hours -- Kids are all in bed, after one last check of the NORAD Santa tracker! He's in Newfoundland. Joseph HURRIES to bed, dives in, and then asks me to go check again :o) John is dozing on the couch in the blinking glow of the Christmas tree while waiting for Santa. It makes me so happy to see him there :o)))) Oops, just remembered that I gotta put out the cookies and carrots ASAP!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Water, Water

Poem for Composition 4th grade
"Water, Water"
by Grace Denson

Water, water,
running through a brook.

Water, water,
flowing through rivers, lakes, oceans, and seas.

Water, water,
so cool, refreshing too.

Water, water
you are aqua and blue.

Water, water
you sparkle in the sunlight.

Water, water
you look as if you were bathed in gems.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A New Hero

John and the kids were looking for a new movie on Netflix last night.

They stumbled onto John Wayne "The Train Robbers".

Joseph is enthralled - good guys, bad guys, explosions, fights! "John Wayne movies are my favorite!" Joseph said. I have the feeling that westerns just became a big part of our household...

Monday, November 29, 2010

Grace's Essay

Prompt: Tell me about your favorite season

Spring to me means the Italian Renaissance. The Italian Renaissance was a spring after the long winter of the Middle Ages. Here are some other points I like about spring.

In the spring I like to plant a garden with my dad. All the flowers pop out of the dirt like a bear after its hibernation. Our pear tree starts swelling and flowers start softly floating to the ground. I also like that everything is fresh and green. But the best part is that fruit gets cheaper!

Another thing I like about spring is all the snow melts. The temperatures go up and I can play outside all day long without being cold. My favorite part is the days keep stretching longer and longer.

To me, spring is the rebirth of life. Animals come out of hibernation, plants come back to life. People are happy because they aren't cramped inside all day. For me, spring is the happiest time of the year.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Joseph's Essay - describe Christmas presents

I get Christmas presents for being good. Santa wraps them and puts them under the tree and in my stocking. I don't like it when my Mom peeks! I want to figure it out myself. I like to strip the wrapping paper off and play with them all day.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Ahhh.... Thanksgiving Day! Well, the house is finally quiet so I can put down my impressions and memories of today. First - I remember those military families who are missing their loved ones - I've been through it twice and can't even describe the empty feeling. And also for the soldiers far from home and wishing for their families. I remember last year being in a complete shock with John leaving at 5 am on Thanksgiving morning as his R&R was over. And I am so thankful for our families who have supported us every step of the way!

But this year is a happy year - our last Thanksgiving in Kansas! We started our day with yummy Monkey Bread (easier than Cinnamon rolls and very tasty!) Then my wonderful husband went off to Wal-Mart to get a couple of things I needed. Big HIGH-5 for braving that!! :o)

One of John's soldiers who couldn't get home to Puerto Rico was going to join us for dinner, but his fiancee flew in to surprise him! We were very happy for him - and it took a little pressure off of Mrs. Must-Be-Perfect (that's ME!)

I made a nice 8 lbs. turkey - using a well-rated recipe from site - it was the JUICIEST, loveliest turkey I've ever had! In fact the gravy was such an affront to the wonderful turkey that I will have no turkey fears in the future :o) Served with tossed green salads, stuffing, and John's WONDERFUL French Bread Rolls To DIE For! Polished off with Smores Cookies. I also made a Lemon Chess Pie, but we didn't get into it today - probably this weekend if we can find some room in our tummies.

I wish I had taken pictures, but time waits for no mom to remember these things.

The weather is clear and very cold - our high was about 35, our low tonight is 17. Brrrr! so we are pretty much stuck indoors all day together. Katharine started running a fever last night and it continues today. Poor kid is bright pink! Nothing too serious, just a little virus. Just enough to make her tired and fussy. As for Grace and Joseph, I figured that I could have them do a bit of school work this morning to keep them busy. But in the real world it was actually total chaos all morning long and I didn't get the turkey in until an hour later than I wanted. Fortunately, John put "Home Alone" on the Netflix queue for this week, so we were able to entertain the munchkins - twice. The second time this evening ended up with everybody asleep - John on the couch with Katharine snuggled on his chest, Grace on the floor with a couple of pillows, and Joseph on the far end of the couch snuggled up. Well, except for me, I enjoyed the movie in the quiet house with just the warm glow of the Christmas lights outside :o)

Happy gobble-gobble day!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Joseph's essay!

Joseph's first creative writing assignment!!!

Joseph Denson, age 6
I like Nerf gun fights.
I play them with my Dad.
I load the bullets and shoot and
run and shoot shoot and run then I
I always win, my Dad looses.

LOL! That is definitely Joseph :o)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Grace's research paper

Michelangelo's Life - by Grace Denson, 4th grade Composition, 01 November 2010

Lots of artists lived in a time called The Renaissance. One is Michelangelo Burnarotti. He was a great artist, but his childhood started it all. Let's go to the beginning and find out what happens...

Michelangelo's childhood might have given him a good background for sculpting. Michelangelo was born not to far from Florence, Italy in a time called the Renaissance. It is thought his mother was too sick to take care of him, so his father took him to live with a family of stone cutters. When Michelangelo was ten, his father took him back to Florence to go to grammar school. When he was thirteen he asked his father permission to quit school so he could be an artist. Later on, Lorenzo De Medici asked Michelangelo to come to his school for sculptors. Michelangelo was an expert with stone carving by the time he was twenty-four.

Michelangelo's art was based off stories from the bible. He did a famous statue called ''The David.'' He also made a statue called the "Pieta." The pope noticed Michelangelo's talent and asked Michelangelo to paint the Sistine Chapel ceiling. Michelangelo told Pope Julius that he was a sculptor, not a painter, but he finally agreed. The Sistine Chapel ceiling told lots of stories from the bible.

Michelangelo was a great artist. People were amazed that he had so much skill at a young age. Michelangelo was one of the few artists that became famous while he was alive. Michelangelo lived in the perfect place at the perfect time.

He is still famous today like he was in the Renaissance. Some day I want to go to Italy to see some of his works for myself, would you?

Saturday, October 30, 2010


or as Katharine likes to say "doub-ble CAN-DY!!!"

For the KSU homecoming the city does trick-or-treating and the Homecoming Parade together on Friday night. So off we went last night! It was the first time John has gotten to see it and it was fun! And we'll do the neighborhood trick-or-treat on Sunday night, hence the "double candy".

Grace is dressed up as a mechanic (Handy Manny), Joseph is "an army guy" and Katharine is the adorable Eeyore!

Around the House

Joseph and Grace have taught Katharine how to ride a scooter by herself -
She is very thrilled with the new skill!

John has set the garden down for fall now, and we just had our first freeze
but just a few weeks ago it looked this nice!

To the Ball!

We're off to our last military ball! Looking Good!!

Could he get any MORE handsome????

Friday, October 29, 2010


Kids just finished painting their pumpkins (more fun for them, less ICKY for me!)

Katharine painted a clown face -

Joseph painted a scary Army guy-

And Grace painted "the scariest ghost ever - the KSU Mathematics ghost!"

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Poetry from Grace

Roses Roses
By Grace Denson

Roses roses, what a pretty sight.
Roses pink, yellow, red and white.
Roses smell like sugar.
Roses roses look out be careful.
Roses on a flower feel like a blanket,
Sweet and smooth.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Grace's essay on Robinson Crusoe

The prompt asks Grace to use three descriptive words to describe Robinson Crusoe using details and events from the story to support the ideas.

I think Robinson Crusoe is creative. I say that because out of a few items he brought from the ship and found in the woods, he made a shelter, a dairy farm, crops, pots, and a calendar. He also uses his resources that you might not think would make good items. Like taking an empty bag and shaking it over the ground. He got a rewarded by having grain and rice to eat.

Robinson Crusoe is a hard worker. This is true because in the story he's almost never not working.
He's usually writing or cooking or walking around the island. Even when he gets back to England and he's rich and wealthy, he doesn't choose the easy life.

Robinson Crusoe's hope is never really lost. When he's ship wrecked and all alone he looks for a
solution even if the going is rough. Even though he doesn't all ways find a way, but he lived on the island and was healthy. Even in the dimmest situation, he still has hope.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Redeployment Ceremony

This week has been the longest, slowest week, but today went by in a rush!
After 5 day/time changes in the past 4 days, (including one just 3 hours before the ceremony LOL!) it was surreal.

Sunday - August 1st - about 8:30 am in the morning - This was my facebook post:

Go Army Go!! My kids and I are counting on you to get our #1 Daddy on a plane and heading this way TODAY! Please!!!!!!
    • Kimberly Coulter Howard Actually you were counting on them to do that yesterday weren't you? I hope it goes better this time!
    • Cyndi Denson Yes, but it didn't happen. You know how the Army works (or in this case doesn't work! LOL!) I'm happy to know it's just one more Sunday mass by myself, but by next week our pew will have one more :-)
      Yesterday at 9:59am ·

The kids and I went to mass in Manhattan, and went to Target and the library - mostly just to kill time away from the house so I wasn't anxiously waiting every second.

Got back home around 2pm and talked to a couple of the other wives confirming that no one had heard anything since about 10:15 am. We were all holding our breath - hoping this meant that they were on the move out of Iraq! The afternoon passed slowly as we waited for word to surface!

About 7 pm one of the other wives received a call from her husband in IRELAND!! About the same time I got a fraud alert on our credit card saying it had been used for $7 purchase at the USO - Ireland. (Naturally I approved the transaction!) Now our excitement went up, up, up - finally our guys were out of Iraq and on the way home! The wives buzzed all night long with excitement.

About 2:45 am on Monday morning -as I was dozing, waiting for the night to finally be turned to morning.... my phone rang!!!
I just heard the best thing EVER - my husband's voice calling from INSIDE the USA!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
John was calling to say they had landed in Maine! It was tough to get back to sleep after that!!

About 7 am we got word that they had landed at Topeka! So close, but still about 6 hours until we would see him! They have to take care of the weapons and sensitive gear before the ceremony.

By 9 am we were all up and dressed and ready to go even though the ceremony wasn't scheduled until 12:45 pm.
Dressed, hair done, make up is on. Sit here for 2 hours, sit there for 2 hours. SEEING MY HUSBAND - PRICELESS!!!!!

About 9:45 am I received a call saying the ceremony had moved up to 11:30 am (11:45 actually but I either misheard or the info was slightly off - but still it was GREAT NEWS!). I screamed, dropped the phone, jumped into the car with the kids and we sped to the site to get the best seats possible!

We landed in the front row!! And the waiting continued, but now the energy level was pumping! I couldn't sit down, I was jumping up and down, pacing in a circle, hugging, and waiting. So many wives, kids, moms, dads, brothers, sisters, and friends were there. Time slowed to a crawl while we waited! Here's a picture of us waiting...

The building was filling, then over filling, and people were standing and pushing their way in. On the screens they were showing video clips of the guys earlier in the day doing the turn-in of the equipment and we saw John for about 20 seconds on the screen - how we cheered! They even played our road trip theme song "Life Is A Highway" by Rascal Flatts - the kids and I were singing and cheering. But still we were waiting........... when, when, when would they come in! We knew the guys were in the buses right outside the back of the building!

Finally at 11:37 the guys marched in - 220+ soldiers! We couldn't see John, but just seeing all of them made us scream, yell, cheer, and clap! The colors (that is their unit flag) were uncased, the national anthem was played, and we settled down a little to wait for the speeches to pass (still trying to tell which of the 220+ guys in ACUs was John! That was a mission impossible!)

But instead of giving any speeches Col Arnold simply said "Dismissed!" and the run was on!! I was in a little shock for a moment. Families came pouring out of the bleachers and soldiers came running towards us. The kids and I stood still, knowing he would find us, but it seemed to take entirely too long to catch sight of him! I saw Kris and Nicole Rainwater hugging with Baby Jakob squished between them (so cute!) and Kristi Lopez behind me screaming "Where is he?" as she frantically searched for her husband and suddenly she took off running and I laughed to see her mowing through the crowd towards Jessie! I spotted John and I realized he hadn't located us yet! I yelled over the crowd for him, the kids and I were waving our pinwheels frantically and he must have heard or seen us because he started moving our way!

After a quick hug, he went after his carry-on pack, and then we went to find his big duffle and gear. We headed to the car amongst so many happy families. I had practiced driving the route so many times that I was able to take the back route home and avoid most of the traffic that had piled up.

John had a shower and some civilian clothes and I made some bacon cheese burgers for lunch. Yummy! We played with the kids around the house, showing Daddy this and that, and telling silly knock-knock jokes. We headed out to Manhattan so John could see some civilization! A stroll around the mall, an early dinner at Applebees, and back home. John had been up since 2 am so by 7 pm he was ready to crash and that's where he is right now - sleeping in our bed!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

June - Playgrounds and Swimming lessons

Summer is all about... playing and swimming (if you're a kid anyway!).

Here are pictures from this week:


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

To John, my love, you are so far away,
but we are thinking of you extra hard today
as we wish you a Happy Father's Day!

Here are some pictures of our flowers & kids to cheer you (and distract you from my bad poetry) :o)
Joseph's favorite - marigolds

Roses :o)

Holly hocks - almost pure white with a dark pink center

Hollyhocks - light pink with a dark pink center (and look at those ruffles!)

OOH - my new favorite - cream colored with pink in the center!

Look at the hollyhocks grow!

Rudbeckia - a little beat up from the hail storm on Thursday

1st day lily in the yard opened this morning -
guess it wanted to be the first to wish you a Happy Father's Day

These are not plants, but things that grow very well under your care!

How much Miracle-Gro should I feed them again?