Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas morning

Christmas morning arrived! I got up at the impossibly early hour of 6:45 a.m.!!!!!
The things I do for my kids :o)

Well, it was chaos, disorder, and pandemonium!
I'll let the pictures tell the story!

Webkinz, nerf gun games, Thomas tents, books, movies, playdoh, puzzles, games, ahhhh!!!!
Many thanks to all those who were with us in spirit!

It was a very white Christmas in Kansas this year. From our blizzard-not a blizzard-blizzard we have received 6 3/4 inches of snow. Thankfully it has stopped falling finally. I don't think I'll be able to dig out tomorrow for church since the roads haven't been plowed yet. But we are all safe and warm and content for today with plenty of leftovers, candy, and hot cocoa to keep us stuffed, cheerful, and merry!
Love, Cyndi :o)

Christmas Eve from Iraq

Merry Christmas!!!
I went to midnight mass last night. I guess the Pope decided to hold midnight mass early (1000 local time in Rome) so we were celebrating at the same time. Pretty Cool!
Our BN sent across a pretend SIGACT (significant action) about North Pole 6 (aka Santa) receiving SAF (small arms fire). QRF (quick reaction force) was sent out and the Grinch was detained. Rudolf was forced to take evasive action and was slightly injured in the crash but the medics patched him up and he was RTD (returned to duty). North Pole 6 decided to CM (continue mission). NSTR (nothing significant to report). S2 assessed the Grinch was motivated by envy since Santa has numerous Christmas TV specials but the Grinch only has one. There is a storyboard about it too, but I have yet to see it. Believe it or not, somebody else came up this this (it wasn't me).
I unwrapped the presents this morning (I woke up at 1000 since I didn't get back from mass till 0200). Thank you very much. Kids, I love the warm blanket. I will retire the woobie back to the rucksack where it belongs. The cards are cute too. Mom and dad sent some gifts from Australia. I love the book from your parents, too! Baxter and Debbie sent a care package that is much appreciated. The Christmas Book designed by the kids was very cute too. Love the bookmarks. Many thanks also to Charlie and Becky and Ken and Cindy for the Amazon gift card goodies.
1SG kicked me out of my office this morning and told be to either hang out in my room or find someplace else to be. I'm not used to being ordered not to work. I've put in 30 productive hours the past 2 I guess I could slack for a day. I think I'll find a place to curl up with some books and just rest for a while. I've been going non-stop for 30 days. Its hard to believe that it has been that long since leave.
Kids...Merry Christmas. I'll be home for year.

Christmas Eve - midnight

Christmas Eve - midnight report

The presents are under the tree, the stockings are overfilled, and the house is quiet except for the sweet snores coming from our three children nestled upstairs in their beds.

Church was pretty good - Katharine slept through mass (yes!) and Joseph only lightly fidgeted, especially since the altar servers were sitting in our pew. (The ushers accidentally sat a family in their reserved pew). Grace sang very well in the childrens' choir and looked like an angel. At home, after we had cheese pizza and Jesus birthday cake the kids got into their jammies. And Grace decided it was her responsibility to take care of Santa and the reindeer. She carefully put out a plate with 3 cookies (two for Santa and one for him to take home to Mrs. Claus) along with 18 baby carrots (two for each of the reindeer - and the fattest two are for Rudolph). I took a picture of her note. How can you not laugh at that?
I have store-bought cinnamon rolls (not nearly as good as yours!) The camera has fresh batteries and the webcam is tested and ready to go. Two trashbags are on standby. At least we're warm and snug tonight in spite of the blizzard - weathermen!
Love, Cyndi :o)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Part 2 - We have a DECORATED Christmas Tree

The kids didn't want to wait to decorate the tree. So, I got two strands of lights put on it (sloppy, and yes, they are white cords, ew, but it's okay this year!)
The kids put on the ornaments. They had a great time doing that!
And here's the finished tree! I even put up some decorations outside too!

Grace's birthday

Oops! I forgot to post some pictures from Grace's birthday!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

We have a Christmas tree!!

FedEx brings free Christmas trees to most of the major military posts in the US and also send trees to several of the overseas posts for soldiers, spouses of deployed soldiers, and wounded warriors. So I went down to the tree depot today and picked out a 5-6 ft. Balsam Fir for us. Thank you FedEx!!

At home I used a saw to cut the bottom 1/2 inch off - and yes, I still have all of my fingers and the saw was put away properly!

Here's the kids with the tree just after I got it upright in the stand. (I took the pictures with the webcam).

We'll be decorating this week and we'll post pictures of the finished tree!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Vacation Pictures

R&R -

Wow, what a trip!
The kids and I left Kansas on November 8th, and drove for Tucson to meet John there for 2 weeks of R&R!!

Tuesday in Tucson -- John arrives unexpectedly 3 hours early - American airlines got him on an earlier flight - He had to run between terminals at DFW in only 20 minutes so no time to call and let anyone know! But he was upgraded to 1st class on the flight and they treated him so well! :o) When he arrived in Tucson at 11:30 instead of 3:15 - John called his dad to find out what he was doing for lunch (hint, hint!) - now Dad usually is at work at the hangar at the airport - but on this day he was at home waiting for the kids and I to arrive and also for the FedEx guy. We all showed up at 11:30 too just as he hung up from John! We all raced to the airport - (John didn't know that the kids and I had made it yet) and as he walked out the doors, well, it was happy chaos, with a lot of disorder and entropy too!

Ahhhh! Relaxing in Tucson - warm sun, sleeping through some jet lag, and good Mexican food! Playing with Fritz and the kids, sitting on the porch swing in the warm sun, looking over Dad's collection, going to the zoo with John's dad, the botanical garden with Mom & Dad, church together, the warm sun.... It was just sooooo great to be in Tucson. We packed a lot into a few days :o)

But onto California and even more warm sun! And also Rubio's fish tacos, more great Mexican food, Carls Jr!! We were visiting my family now! So many fun things to do -- visiting the beach, Downtown Disney, Cheesecake Factory for lunch, CSUF, Caitlyn's birthday party, the tidepools at Newport, Roger's Gardens, Fashion Island, and a whole day and night at Disneyland. We started at 9:00 am and stayed until 11:45 pm, starting out the day with my parents and sister, and also spending time with my cousin Becky and Charlie and her two girls - oh my gosh what fun we had!!! We rode rides, and rides, and more rides - Grace and Joseph went on Big Thunder Mountain with John and Indy Jones with me, we rode the train, the monorail, Pirates, Jungle, just about everything in Fantasyland, Small World, Buzz Lightyear, and so many more!! We never even got to Tom Sawyer's island or to Toontown. It was a total blast - thanks Debi!!!

Last day together - we spent all afternoon at Huntington Beach - soaking in the warm sun, building sand castles, and splashing in the ocean. Later, a romantic dinner for just two (thanks Mom and Dad and Debi!!!)

John's flight out was at 6:10 am on Thanksgiving morning. Bummer all the way around that he missed Thanksgiving with us! The kids and I dropped him off at the curb at LAX and left. It was a hard thing for John and I. The kids seemed to accept it pretty well that it's Daddy's job - and it was 3 a.m. at a strange airport.

Thanksgiving dinner at Aunt Cindy's house was great - the kids love the backyard play equipment so much! It was so great to see my Uncle Tom and Aunt Rhonda, and Cousin Michelle there too :o) The whole time I kept expecting to see John pop in somewhere, but by then he was at the USO in Dallas, and getting on his flight back to Iraq.

Friday morning - Black Friday shopping at 4:30 a.m. with my mom and the kids! Wow it was fun - we went to Brea Mall - Penney's and the Disney store, Target, even stopped for sit down breakfast, Main Place Mall, and were all done by 11:30 am. Whew! Ok - it was awesome!! I love doing that :o)

The last weekend went by so fast! I stayed an extra day in California to wait out the tail end of a storm and get a clear shot back to Kansas. Started driving on Tuesday, but got stuck in New Mexico on Thursday because another storm unexpectedly came through. Finally got home Saturday morning, December 5th!

Grace wrote 5 essays about our vacation (so far) and I'll post them tomorrow.
It was a great trip!! Thanks to everybody who put up with us :o)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Robert the tooth fairy strikes again!

Yes, we've had another visit from Robert the tooth fairy.

Joseph had two molars that were loose - the roots were cut off by the next molar coming in too close. So it was either wiggle them out or have the dentist pull them out. Joseph got the first one out on Saturday, but he lost it. The second one came out tonight (right in the middle of my FRG meeting, LOL!). My goodness that tooth was huge for such a small boy! I guess I must be feeding him right :o)

Our tooth fairies (Annabelle for Grace and Robert for Joseph) always leave a note in their tooth fairy pillows.

Here is Robert's note to Joseph -- this tooth fairy is quite a poet!

Dear Joseph,

You went to the dentist

how brave you had to be.

Then you wiggled and wiggled,

until you got those teeth free.

Now you’ve lost teeth

one, two, and three!

So here’s two dollars

for your two big back teeth

all from little me!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

October is coming in like a polar bear!

Our high for today was 42 (that's the high!) and our low tonight is 29 F. (Avg temps for today according to the weather channel should be about 72/45). Thank goodness we're not going to get any snow or ice though.

So, it's pretty cold, and I've got a full-blown cold too. Yuck! And double Yuck!!

It's miserable weather - unless you're a polar bear!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


The weather in Kansas has turned chilly. One morning last week was a low of 38 degrees F.

Get out the extra blankies and feetsie jammies!!

Doesn't Grace look so school-aged with her hair up in a ponytail?
Isn't Katharine cute??? Look at those blue eyes and that smile!
Yes, we've got good warm cocoa, we're reading "The Mouse and The Motorcycle" aloud every night before bed.

80 days until Christmas!!!!!! I have started listening to Christmas music during the day!
But I do NOT want it to snow, ok? No SNOW!!!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Grace's news articles

Grace has been writing news articles for fun! Her teacher says that these are great writings for her age level and that the mispelled words are phonetically correct and great attempts. Maybe we'll have a Pulitzer prize someday?? I'm so proud to put these on our webblog for you all to see! Cyndi :o)

Here are her first two articles:

News by Grace Denson, age 7
Swine Flu

The swine flu spreads very quickly to people espesly (especially) school age kids.
They are making a vaxine (vaccine) that will fight it off we hope.
They might make it a nose one or it might be the pokey kind.
It will be availabal (available) in October.

News by Grace Denson, age 7
Helicopter Crash

There was a helicopter crash at Camp Aniconda (Anaconda), also kown (known) as Balad Airfeild (Airfield).
None of our company guys were hurt that we know of.
We got a lot of calls from wives and moms to see if everyone was ok!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Toothy Grin

Joseph lost his first tooth about a week ago. Here is his "toothy" grin!


You can now send mail to John... Mail service is up and active!!!

Here is the address:
John A. Denson (no rank)
D Company - 1-28 IN
APO, AE 09391

He's really looking forward to your letters.
Also, you can e-mail him at

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The kids in September

Playing on the train - the day John left for Kuwait
Yes, he is constantly in motion all day! He does sleep well at night though!

Joseph tries being behind the camera for a change!

It reminds me of that picture of John in Calico when we were dating many years ago. You know, the little one I keep on my dresser. I snapped a picture of you just as you took a picture of me. With that perfect blue sky behind you. Is that a U2 song coming on - Blue Sky Mining?

Hope you all like the pictures!

The garden

The garden is growing so lovely right now, but I see cooler nights coming this week. Down in the mid 40s which will turn my sunflowers to mush. Boo!

The morning glories are very pale, pale blue with dark blue stripes in the usual star pattern. They always take so long to bloom but they are so cute! We had nine on Sunday morning.

The zinnias have gotten over 6 feet tall. I had to trim them out of the driveway and the sidewalk. They looked a bit straggely after I did that, but they are filling in. If we could just get a bit warmer days, they would go crazy beautiful again.

The roses put on a small flush of blooms for fall - the ones against the house anyway. I'm thinking our chipmunk may have developed a taste for the one in the bed by the driveway since it didn't do anything. But the flowering quince suddenly has a lot of new shiny green leaves.

And we have a visitor in the garden. Pretty yellow-and-black spider, but it's almost as big as the palm of my hand so I didn't want to mess with it. I didn't think spiders that big would make a web, but it did and it hangs out there.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Home from Vacation

We are home from our vacation -- 12 day road trip from Fort Riley, KS to Orlando, FL and back!

Best thing:
Grace - everything, but not the driving
John - Turtle talk with Crush at Epcot
Joseph - Great Wolf Lodge & Waterpark
Katharine - rides! And McDonald's with a PlayPlace.
Cyndi - Magic Kingdom

More later and pictures too :o)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

It's spring and it's snowing

It's Spring, but IT'S SNOWING!!!! :o(
Joseph and Katharine didn't like the cold, so they came in right away.